The approximate travel time from Ashford to London Waterloo and from Staines to London Waterloo can vary depending on the mode of transportation and specific circumstances. Here are the typical travel times for each:
Ashford to London Waterloo: By train, the journey from Ashford to London Waterloo usually takes around 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes. However, please note that travel times may be subject to changes due to factors such as train schedules, service disruptions, and any necessary transfers.
Staines to London Waterloo: From Staines to London Waterloo, the train journey typically takes around 30 minutes to 50 minutes, again depending on the train schedule and any potential disruptions.
It's worth noting that these times are estimates and can vary depending on the specific train service and other factors. It is always a good idea to check for up-to-date travel information, including train schedules and any potential delays or engineering works, before planning your journey.