Front and rear aspect double glazed windows, light and power points, two radiators, stairs to first floor and door to:
Side aspect double glazed window and door to Garden, range of fitted units at eye and base level, laminate roll edged worktops, 1 1/2 bowl sink drainer unit, space for numerous appliances, wall mounted gas boiler, light and power points, radiator.
Rear aspect double glazed window, panel enclosed bath, pedestal wash hand basin, tiled walls, light point. Door to:
Rear aspect double glazed window, light point, low level W.C.
Light point, access to loft space and doors to:
Rear aspect double glazed window, light and power points, cast-iron fireplace, radiator. Door to:
Rear aspect double glazed window, light and power points, radiator, large built-in storage cupboard housing hot water tank.
Front aspect double glazed window, light and power points, radiator, built-in storage cupboard.
Mainly laid to paving with numerous flower and shrub beds, lawn area, hardstanding to rear for timber shed.